Contributing to

The website, along with the Web4 project, operates as an open-source endeavour. Therefore, if you wish to contribute to enhancing our platform for Web4, here are ways in which you can offer assistance.

Ways to contribute

Here are some ways in which you can contribute to the w4a project.

How to work on

Whether you are contributing to the site, generating content, or addressing open issues, having a GitHub↗ account is necessary. All updates are executed through the GitHub PR process. This includes creating a local version of the website, implementing your modifications, and requesting to merge them. If you haven't performed this procedure, please refer to the instructions provided at the bottom of our . GitHub repository↗.

Permission is not required to work on any tasks; however, it is advisable to inform us about your plans. You can accomplish this by commenting on an issue or PR in GitHub↗ or by sending a message on our Discord Server↗.
