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Human decisioning meets Machine Intelligence

Developing precursor to intelligent Hominid aka Silico Sapiens.

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What Is Web 4.0?

Web 4.0 is symbiotic web, where Human and machines work in symbiosis. The idea being the symbiotic web is that once the metadata is organized humans and machines can interact in symbiosis with each other.
Tablet paralax image front Marketing & Advertising Stack

Our flagship product is AI snippet based ad exchange for AI search engines, where organic results are embedded with demand side ad network to hyperlink and show relevant ads to audience and thus, ability to use AI based search engines for Free.

Tablet paralax image front Buildings’ Automation Stack

Our Clean tech focused product suite automate and optimize building systems such as heating, ventilation & air conditioning. This can help reduce energy waste and improve occupant comfort. We are also working on indoor Agri stack for Consumers.

Tablet paralax image front Mental and Physical Health Stack

Our AI-powered wearables & app can track the user's biometric data such as heart rate, breathing rate, and brain waves to analyze the user's preferences, mood etc. and and them develop strategies to manage stress and improve their overall health.

Tablet paralax image front Use a dapp or Start building your own Stack

Our open community resources & developers helps everyone who want to start building their own Web 4.0 tech stack on AI and other web4. 0 technologies, we have developer matching, tutorials, and more in our community to offer.

Evolution of the Modern Web

Web 1.0

The Web of Cognition

Web 2.0

The Web of Communication

Web 3.0

The Web of Cooperation

Web 4.0

The Web of Integration

Web 1. 0

  • • Read Only
  • • Online Information
  • • No Smart Gadget

Web 2. 0

  • • Read Write Web
  • • Managing Global Crowd
  • • Social Interactions

Web 3. 0

  • • Machine Readable
  • • Semantic Web Desires
  • • Social Computing

Web 4.0

  • • Read-Write-Execution Concurrency
  • • Intellegent Interactions

Web 1.0


Web 2.0


Web 3.0


Web 4.0


Web 1.0


Web 2.0

Web platforms

Web 3.0


Web 4.0


Web 1.0

Search Engine

Web 2.0

Search Engine

Web 3.0

Search Engine

Web 4.0

Search Engine

nothin Calculate the product of two numbers within a few seconds
nothin A Modern calculator, using microchip, does calculation on your behalf

Web 0.0

nothin Send a mail to a someone and get response within seconds
nothin A Email client, using P2P network, send/receive messages on your behalf

Web 1.0

nothin Search & Compare different products and buy it within seconds
nothin A E-commerce site, using 2 sided platform, helps you buy products on your behalf

Web 2.0

nothin Interact & make transactions on the internet anonymously
nothin A smart contract or a crypto, using blockchain network, transact on your behalf

Web 3.0

nothin Drive a car remotely without being at the same place
nothin A person in 3rd world country, using 5G connectivity, control autonomous car on your behalf

Web 4.0

W4A is platform for Web 4.0


Redefine work humans do?

Although mundane work is generally disliked, we encounter it frequently in our daily lives, such as in data entry and call center positions. However, the advent of web4. 0 technologies presents an opportunity to automate these tasks, freeing up human potential to focus on utilizing other web4. 0 technologies in fields such as healthcare, research, and science. With the ease of transition from mundane jobs to impactful work, web4. 0 has the potential to propel human civilization forward.

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The internet of intelligence

Web 4.0 (W4A) is envisioned as a smarter, more intuitive, and customized version of the internet. It harnesses advanced technologies like AI, ML, and NLP to interpret human behavior and preferences to provide personalized responses and solutions. This intelligence is fueled by the massive amount of data generated by users, devices, and systems. This shift towards intelligence signifies the evolution of the internet that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live, work, and interact with technology (Machine).


Robots are borning, Now!

Web 4.0 (W4A) is envisioned as a smarter, more intuitive, and customized version of the internet. It harnesses advanced technologies like AI, ML, and NLP to interpret human behavior and preferences to provide personalized responses and solutions. This intelligence is fueled by the massive amount of data generated by users, devices, and systems. This shift towards intelligence signifies the evolution of the internet that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live, work, and interact with technology (Machine).

A new frontier for Humanoids

The depiction of robots in movies like Terminator has often shown machines that are physically and functionally alike humans, but without empathy. Nonetheless, the future may present a different picture where humans and robots coexist. In this future, robots may serve as physical extensions of humans and undertake laborious tasks like cooking, organizing the Cupboard, clean their apartments . The humanoids could significantly simplify and revolutionize human lives towards a stress-free and prosperous future


Join the community

Join the Web 4.0 community, that is home to hundreds of thousands of developers, technologists, designers, users and enthusiasts, and help build a community that facilitates newcomers enter the space easily.

Contribute to Web 4.0

This Platform is open source with hundreds of community contributors. You can propose edits to any W4A Stack, suggest awesome new features, or help us squash bugs.

World’s first AI Ad Exchange


W4A’s AI based Ad exchange is web4 alternative of Google Ads. Google ads are placed based ot bidding for different keywords. We look forward to change that and work on AI supported version of ChatGPT and other AI search engines, where ads are determined independently based on search results. Advertisers can control which search result to sponsor in real time.